Italian is one of the most wonderful languages on earth, and if you are serious about your Italian, do come and study it with us using our incredible set of innovative resources.
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If we were to single out the three most effective ways of memorising words and phrases in any given foreign language, we would definitely say "songs", "songs" and "songs". Also, if you like a song, try to learn its lyrics by heart (Italian lyrics are among the best in the world and they often exhibit a definite poetical quality). You will find that after a while you'll get so used to it that it will become a completely effortless task. Lyrics Puzzle is an exercise which invites you to listen repeatedly to a major Italian song and then to transcribe its lyrics. If
you are in doubt as to what you are hearing, don't worry and look up our list of all the words that have been used in that particular song or listen to the audio file with the words in alphabetical order (so as not to infringe on anybody's copyright). Once the job done, just use Google (or another search engine) to find the complete lyrics. DISCLAIMER: This resource doesn't contain the lyrics of this particular song but only the words used in the song listed in alphabetical order. The music is being streamed by to whom you should apply if you think that your copyright is being infringed upon. If you are the original publisher of this song, we would like to ask you the permission to reproduce the full lyrics of this song
for the benefit of our subscribers, as Scuolitalia is striving to enlarge the audience for Italian worldwide.
Con Te Partirò - Andrea Bocelli
É ki nón konóshe Andrèa Boçèlli?
E chi non conosce Andrea Bocelli? Who doesn't know Andrea Bocelli? Èkkolo néll'interpretatsyóne di ùna délle sùe pyu konoshùte kantsóni: Kón té partirò.
Eccolo nell'interpretazione di una delle sue più conosciute canzoni: Con te partirò. Here he is in
one of his most famous songs:
"I'll leave with you" (Tiime To Say Goodbye)
Transcribe the lyrics here:
If you need help, here is the list of all the words sung by Andrea
Bocelli with pronunciation guide and contextual translation (i.e. the translation which is right for this particular song).
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